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Nobody Puts Baby  In The Corner

Baby in the Corner is a Limited Collection of Unique Digital Profile Artworks on the Ethereum Blockchain.


Made with painstaking attention to detail, she represents inner strength and renewal - a symbol that every single day comes with an opportunity to grow and start anew.


Baby dares to dream big. She knows the future offers many opportunities and endless possibilities.  Masked and prepped, she sends out an imperfect yet unbreakable vibe to overcome anything - even if it's just for the moment.  


She is not just a pretty face. She is strong. She is witty. She is resilient.


She is you.


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Whether you are here to relax, learn, play, or even do a little bit of business, Baby will be your loyal companion with a marketplace filled with custom traits to suit various occasions, use cases, trends, and settings.

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It's Time for Change

Create your own story!  Baby is a dynamic NFT built to keep up with the everchanging Web3 landscape.  As a highly customizable avatar, you will be able to add, remove, and swap different traits and accessories to reflect your personal online journey.

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Built to interact with real world brands, artists, and other NFT projects, Baby is the gateway to your Web3 journey with easy-to-use tools and a thoughtful community.


Let’s chart a new path together!

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Why are we here?
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​A Metaverse of change is on the horizon.


Our goal is to create NFTs that merge the depth and emotion of the real world onto digital assets that are fun and relatable.  Baby in the Corner is the base layer of an avatar that we are developing for this brave new world.  Baby is an NFT that is not only a joy to own, but is also versatile enough to take on the ever-changing landscape of this space.

We want to give you the ability to be the best version of yourself on social media today as well as the metaverses of tomorrow! The project aims to achieve this through thoughtful attention to detail combined with a customizable NFT that is built to keep up with the fast-paced world of Web3. 


As your needs and use cases change, more traits and accessories will be made available in our marketplace.  You can also be assured that each trait and accessory is created as a piece of artwork that you can be proud to own as you travel through virtual worlds.


Dive into the metaverse in style with an avatar that reflects your personality. 

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Baby in the Corner was inspired by an 80s iconic movie character who finds her rhythm as she learns to embrace her femininity. The team brings the core of this character to the present day with fresh eyes! We present the idea that anyone can explore, choose, express, and make space in any realm, because we each have the fire to thrive.


We’ve always dreamt of having a project in the blockchain space since we started our crypto journey back in 2017.  Needless to say, we’ve been on a wild and exciting ride through brutal bear markets and euphoric bull runs. 


The project started with a simple sketch made by MJ of a woman preparing for a night out.  It was aptly titled “Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner,” a line she herself often quips as she gets ready for a challenge.  The seemingly trivial title pays homage to an old 80’s movie about vulnerability, self-discovery, and eventually shining through.  The artwork was honest and fun. Our friends loved it! 








Fast forward to today, we are releasing Baby in the Corner NFT to the public!  We would like to share the journey with you through our vision of what a personal avatar should be - a representation of real people behind the screens.  Baby was designed to be a relatable digital persona for social media today, as well as a meaningful character in the metaverse of tomorrow.


It is going to be a challenging journey, but one that is not new to us.  We’ve been in the eCommerce space for over two decades so we understand what it's like to start and thrive in unexplored territory.   More importantly, we know how to innovate, pivot, and maintain our operations through changing economic landscapes...through both the best, and roughest of times. 


You can count on us not to make any crazy or unrealistic promises… What we can assure you is we will have a fair launch, a fair price, an experienced hardworking team, and a wonderful, well-designed NFT that can bring a bit of joy to your day.


Let’s take this roller coaster ride together!

Dustin (DustMiner) & MJ (Baby MJ)





PS.  We know it is important for you to know your project team so we will be holding AMA sessions before the mint date.  In the meantime, you can explore our twitter and linked-in page to know more about us.


DYOR please ;)


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True Beauty Lies Behind The Mask

We aim to build a community to uplift one another. One that understands the philosophy behind Baby as a means of self-expression - and a team that appreciates each other's capacity to be meaningful participants in the metaverse.


Anyone has the power to shine! Unmask your true potential and help us set the direction of our community!  Members will be prioritized for future artworks, airdrops, and other member benefits. Best of all,  you can take part in developing the future of humanity in the Metaverse.

Join the Conversation!

Join us on Twitter

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Coming Soon on:


Send us a message
and we’ll get back to you shortly.

We'll get back to you soon!

  • How about the Mint Price and Royalties?
    Our goal is to make our project accessible to everyone that wants to join our journey. We are looking out for the welfare of the community and will certainly have fair mint prices and royalties. This should increase the chances that NFT owners will benefit from any appreciation in value. We are more than happy to do this to give back to the community that supports us. Follow us on twitter for the latest news!
  • Aren’t you afraid of launching in a bearish market?
    No, we are not. Being in the crypto space for many years, we have experienced both bull and bear markets. We also know that some of the best and most grounded projects are built during a bear market when there is less noise. It also happens to be the time of maximum opportunity! We have a long term view and are ready to grind it out whether the market is bullish or bearish.
  • Why the Facemask?
    The mask is a statement that inside everyone, there is beauty yet to be unlocked. It symbolizes starting anew and the opportunities that each day brings. The mask also reinforces the fact that Baby is at her base state and has more to offer before taking center stage.
  • What is a Dynamic Customizable NFT?
    Dynamic NFT technology enables you to add, remove, and swap traits and accessories. Each additional trait is a separate NFT in itself. As such, they may have their own unique use cases. You can buy, sell, and trade them separately or together with your base NFT. Once your NFT is equipped, you will see the changes immediately on your wallet and in all marketplaces you interact with.
  • What am I buying? What can I do with it?
    You are buying an NFT collectible on the Ethereum Blockchain. Once purchased, your ownership is unconfiscatable and verifiable through blockchain technology. You are entitled to the rights over your particular NFT and accesories. You can use it personally or commercially, display it, and trade it. The team retains ownership of the intellectual property rights and the brand. As such, we have some limitations regarding its use - this concerns the types of usage of the brand and images. These are mainly for the general welfare of the community as well as the public perception of the brand. Details of the Terms and Conditions will be laid out before the mint date.
  • Will the NFT appreciate in value?
    It is possible that your NFT will appreciate through the efforts of the team, community, and/or public perception but there is no assurance that it will do so. We encourage you to buy it for the value you place on it today and not speculate on any planned use case or price until such future comes to pass. Prices of NFTs are still volatile so it is best to treat it as your personal digital property and collectible.
  • What are your goals?
    For the project, we would like to stay grounded by first aiming to be an avatar for your online persona. We believe that attention to detail is the key to an NFT that you can proudly use to represent yourself - so we went ahead and made her absolutely gorgeous ;) The accessories marketplace will enable you to customize your NFTs. Some accesories may be cosmetic, some may unlock access to special privileges, some may be used for promotion of your brand or third party brands. It also allows us to pivot and adjust to the fast paced trends in the NFT space. For our community, we would like to bring more humanness into Web3. We aim to build a community of individuals who will take this journey together - caring and helping each other as we find new opportunities and adventures! The future holds many use cases for avatars and we are hard at work creating this ecosystem. We are planning unique online and offline experiences for the community as well as partnering with Metaverse and NFT projects to make Baby a meaningful character in the virtual worlds of tomorrow. Help us unmask her true potential. Follow us on twitter for the latest news!
  • What will happen post mint?
    Post mint is when things happen! We will prioritize brand building to bring more value for our NFT holders. We will develop new exciting experiences for our NFT owners through our accessories marketplace, partnerships, and technical development. Finally, we will strengthen our support for our advocacy by selecting an organization that will enable our community to foster positive mental health. Initially, the team and our technical partners will manage the overall direction of the project with close coordination with the community. It is our intention to make this a purely community driven initiative to give more power to NFT holders.
  • What are hidden intrinsic traits and what are they for?
    Hidden Intrinsic traits are attributes that are built into the project but cannot be physically seen. This allows owners to have extra layers of attributes that make each NFT more unique. This gives more meaning and life into your NFT! The potentials for this are far reaching. Owners will be able to create greater affinity with other owners with the same attributes. NFTs and NFT owners can also be segmented beyond physical attributes of the underlying NFT’s allowing for more granular sub-groups that can be used in an endless amount of ways. Some special traits may also get unique benefits in the future.
  • How does your accessories marketplace work?
    Once you own a Baby in the Corner NFT, you can connect your wallet to our marketplace and choose from traits and accessories depending on the unique traits of your base NFT. You can fit them and try different combinations to your satisfaction. Once you are ready, you can mint the accessories and equip you NFT. You can change anytime by picking a new set of traits or accesories. We will start with a small set of traits and accesories and build it out as time goes by.
  • What is Baby in the Corner NFT?
    We believe that in the near future, we will all have a presence in the Metaverse. Baby in the Corner NFT is an avatar that was created to portray an expressive human representation of her owners when they are online. Our inspiration comes from very human habits and their propensity to be the best version of themselves. She is a piece of artwork, your alter-ego, and your key to unique virtual experiences.
  • What is you advocacy?
    Our advocacy lies in maintaining positive mental health and instilling a "can do" attitude in any situation. To this end, we are in continuous search of partners that will inspire people to be the best that they can be.

Baby in the Corner non-fungible tokens are built on the Ethereum Blockchain. All Rights Reserved.

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